Self Hatred , Globalization : Some thoughts

 There is no doubt that we are still suffering from mental slavery . We have foolishly tried to bury our past and opted to ignore the psychological damage that we endured and that some have been able to overcome.

A people cannot progressively exist unless they understand their past. This reasoning , sounds like pure gibberish because we have measured progress by materialism .
Throughout the region there is self hatred because we don’t know ourselves ; we hate ourselves. Until we address this collectively as a people , we are going to continue the social, political and economic malaise.

  1.  By understanding  our past, we would be better prepared to deal with the present and future. Where is the real foundation for our youth. We need to understand that earlier generations were denied true education and receiving an education was in itself very difficult. Ironically, they might have been spared because those of us who apparently mastered the colonialist educational system are now more colonialist than the colonialists themselves.
    We have to save future generations from mis-education and the only way to do it, is to teach them the truth and direct them toward less self hatred. That would propel them to be less antagonistic toward their race. We are not for one moment, suggesting that our entire race is full of self hatred but we need to correct the foundation and that in itself is usually a difficult task.
    We are continuously looking to the same forces to solve our problems , we are now being controlled by globalists interests and we are being told, what we can and cannot do, within our own economy,  that was built by our forefathers. We need to start seeing ourselves differently and begin in earnest to connect the dots or future generations would remain stuck in transition as we now are.

    1. By now we should have accepted that this is not only political but we are also examining cultural inhibitors to growth; we are talking about a failed educational system and failed economic models.
      There is a root cause that we are collectively ignoring. We think we have a service economy and we have concluded that all of our failures are from exogenous causes. Explain to us in simple words , what does the war in the Gazza or Ukraine has to do with the mess in education or the failure of other basic things like garbage collection or a properly managed public transportation system.
      Please tell us what global issue has stopped us from introducing Black/African studies from the primary school level. What happened outside in the global sphere that has our citizens drinking brown water from the taps.
      Yes. We understand that globalization affects us but it does not stop schools from opening on excessive public vulgarity in any form, masquerading as culture. Dr. Eric Williams brilliantly explained to the entire region the role that globalization has played and will continue to play as the region transitioned from brutal colonialization.


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